

Learn how to listen for transactions that happen on your account

A webhook is a URL on your server where we send payloads for transaction events. For example, if you implement webhooks, we will immediately notify your server with a btc.lightning.received.success event once a lightning payment is received.

Whenever you receive a webhook notification from us, return a 200 OK to avoid resending the same event again from our server.


Transactions sent to your webhook URL have event types that provide more information about a transaction. It says what kind of transaction: sent or received and the transaction's status.

Here are the different event types:

Event TypeDescription
btc.lightning.received.successSuccessfully received payment via lightning.
btc.lightning.send.successThe lightning payment was sent successfully.
btc.lightning.send.failedFailed to send a lightning payment
btc.onchain.received.successSuccessfully received a Bitcoin payment on-chain
btc.onchain.send.successSuccessfully sent a payment on-chain
btc.onchain.send.failedFailed to make an on-chain payment
virtualcard.transaction.debitDebit Transactions on Virtual Cards
virtualcard.transaction.reversedReversed Transactions on Debited Transactions
virtualcard.transaction.creditCredit Transactions on Virtual Card
virtualcard.user.kyc.successUser successfully registered
virtualcard.user.kyc.failedUser KYC registration failed.
virtualcard.created.successVirtual card created successfully
virtualcard.created.failedError creating virtual card
virtualcard.transaction.declinedCard transaction was declined by a vendor.
checkout.received.underpaidCheckout payment is paid but incomplete.
checkout.received.paidCheckout payment completed.
stablecoin.usdc.received.successUSDC received successfully
stablecoin.usdc.send.successUSDC sent successfully
stablecoin.usdc.send.failedUSDC sending failed
stablecoin.usdt.received.successUSDT received successfully
stablecoin.usdt.send.successUSDT sent successfully
stablecoin.usdt.send.failedUSDT sending failed
mobilepayment.paid.successSuccessfully paid an invoice for mobile.
mobilepayment.settlement.failedSettlement to Fiat failed.
mobilepayment.settlement.successThe fiat conversion for the mobile payment was sent to the recipient Bank or Momo

Verifying Events

Verifying that these events come from Brails is necessary to avoid creating transactions due to a fraudulent event.

To verify events, validate the x-brails-signature header sent with the event. The HMAC SHA512 signature is the event payload signed with your secret key.

const crypto = require('crypto');
const webhookSecret = process.env.BITNOB_WEBHOOK_SECRET;
// Using Express"/webhook_url", function(req, res) {
  //validate event
  const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', webhookSecret).update(JSON.stringify(req.body)).digest('hex');
  if (hash == req.headers['x-bitnob-signature']) {
  // Retrieve the request's body
  const event = req.body;
  // Do something with event  

Notification Retries

When posting notifications, we expect to receive a 200 response code from you. If the response code is not 200, we retry sending the event 3 times after the first failure.

This way, whenever you experience downtime on your end, your updates will still be sent.

Don't rely on webhooks entirely


We recommend that you set up a service to always query transactions, in the event that webhooks keep failing.

Testing Webhooks

Since notifications must always be available on a publicly accessible URL, you are likely to run into issues while starting to build your application in a local environment. You can easily get around this by using a tool like ngrok (opens in a new tab) or localtunnel (opens in a new tab)

Create a tunnel, and update the new webhook URL setting on your dashboard. Only do this in your test environment to avoid leaking data to the public.