

All GET endpoints that return an object list support cursor-based pagination with pagination information inside a meta object.

pageNumber of results on the current page. Defaults to 10 items
takeNumber of results on the current page. Defaults to 10 items
itemCountTotal number of results.
pageCountThe number of pages based on take
hasPreviousPageBoolean field. It tells if there is a previous page, based on take.
hasNextPageBoolean field. It tells if there is a next page, based on take,

This means that to get all objects, you need to paginate through the results by always using the take. Default take is set to 10, but values up to 100 are permitted. The result list is in descending order by default (newest item first) but can be reversed by supplying order=ASC instead.

page(optional) Number of results per request. Accepted values: 1 - 50. Default 10
order(optional) Result order. Accepted values: DESC (default), ASC
page(optional) Result page.